My life’s purpose is to assist in evolving the consciousness of the planet through my writing, speaking and guiding others along their path of personal and spiritual growth. I believe that we are experiencing a massive shift in consciousness and that my life’s purpose is to assist in evolving the consciousness of the planet through my writing, speaking and guiding others along their path of personal and spiritual growth. If you are interested in learning more about this shift, please visit my podcast here.
Spring Equinox Weekend Retreat
Celebrate the beginning of the new year at one of the most powerful and spiritual places on earth, Mt. Shasta! Join us for a weekend of intention setting, meditating, journaling, hiking and mandala painting. This transformational experience begins on Thursday evening, March 20th until Sunday afternoon, March 22nd. You will leave feeling more spiritually connected with a clearer sense of purpose for the year ahead. This amazing weekend retreat is priced at $500. Book before March 1st for a special price of $450. Lodging and meals (except for lunch on Friday and Saturday) are not included. For more information, please contact me at (312) 285-5287 or For a more detailed itinerary, please follow this link.
Create your own private retreat at the Heart of Mt. Shasta! If you desire to reconnect spiritually, embark on a healing journey or just need to get away for a weekend, a month or more, I created two beautifully, newly remodeled, fully furnished sanctuaries on my property located at one of the seven power centers of the planet. Enjoy the amazing view of the mountain or the serenity of the garden only minutes away from downtown Mt. Shasta City. Together we can arrange a personalized experience along with your stay. Click here to learn more about the rental opportunities available.
Please check out my monthly podcasts February 2025 Energy Report and Messages From Mt. Shasta. Here is the link to last month's podcast if you missed it. I also hope you enjoy Raising The Global Consciousness Meditation and my interview with Steve Nobel of Soul Matrix. If you enjoy my podcasts and would like to support my work, please buy my book or send me a donation. The donation link is further down the page. I greatly appreciate it!
Check out my most recent articles published in Elephant Journal, What To Expect On Our Collective Journey In 2024, The Frustrations with Manifesting, My Transformational Chiron Return, Clearing the Wounds from Childhood, Remembering Why We Are Here, The Shadow Work we need to Get Closer to our True Purpose, and The Most Important Thing Us Lightworkers Need To Do During This Shift In Consciousness.
As an intuitive observer, I use a psychological and metaphysical lens to explore the deeper layers of our reality. Acting as a translator between the spiritual and material world, I am able to synthesize complex information and present its essence. As an empath, I am able to help others find words to express their inner truths. Being an old soul, my life journey has not been an easy one. I have endured many challenges, which has led me on the path of personal and spiritual growth. My strength lies in my vulnerability and openness in sharing my life experiences and my unique view of life. I have traveled an unconventional path and hope to inspire others to live a life of authenticity and adventure. I believe that we are creators of our universe, and our purpose here is to explore, learn and grow!
Check out my newly released book, The Journey of Discovering Inner Peace, which is your ultimate handbook for self-discovery and emotional healing. Click here to purchase on my website or here to purchase on Amazon. To listen to a podcast of my book, please click here. To listen to excerpts from my book, check out my Inspirational Living Series here.
To read my latest blog posting, please click here.
Follow me on Youtube, TikTok, Facebook or Instagram and subscribe to my newsletter below.
Thank you for the donation so that I may continue with my podcasts.
Your handbook for this new age. To learn more about your ultimate handbook for self-discovery and healing, click here .
Most of my posts center around the themes of psychology, spirituality, personal growth and healing. You can access my blog here.
I provide psychotherapy and intuitive healing services. To learn more about my philosophy, please click here.
The Journey of Discovering Inner Peace is a practical, hands-on, easy to read book that combines both theory and practice to help you along your journey of self-discovery and emotional healing. Whether you are new on this path or continuing your work, this is a great handbook to provide you with some valuable tools and wisdom to guide you along your journey. This book combines psychological theory, spirituality, quantum mechanics, trauma research, eastern philosophical thought, various hands-on exercises and information regarding popular therapeutic modalities to assist in the process of personal growth and emotional healing. The book summarizes my unique approach to therapy that I have been refining for 15 years. Click here to purchase on my website or here to purchase on Amazon.
Mt Shasta, California and 77 West Washington Street, Suite 1118, Chicago, Illinois 60602, United States
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